
About Me

Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog. I’m Alicia and here’s a slice or two of my food obsessed life. I live in London with my brother and two wonderful housemates, I work full time and am studying the rest of the time to be an accountant; cooking is my chance to switch off and be creative.

Much to the distress of my house I am a very messy cook; flour always seem to leap out of the bowl at me as I attempt to fold it in, icing sugar will rarely come out of its bag without providing the work surface a liberal dusting and if ever I use any ingredient with the mere potential to stain I will generously slather it all over my clothes. Thankfully my brother gave me a chef’s jacket last year and so now cooking is a slightly less precarious task- from the viewpoint of my clothes at least.

Just like me this blog is currently has a pretty sweet tooth but I’m trying, both here and in my day-to-day life, to balance things out! I hope you enjoy looking around and please let me know what you think.



1 thought on “About Me

  1. Your incredibly efficient mother has already been in touch with you to tell you about our wedding lunch in our house for about 30 people on Sat 16th June and she says you’d be interested in catering. HOW, with everything else you do, I can’t imagine! But then, like mother like daughter…

    I’ve just emailed the caterers I asked last week to push them for an answer and as soon as I’ve heard I’ll be in touch. Here’s hoping…


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